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How HR Can Best Demonstrate ROI for New Digital Workplace Tools

HR professionals are faced with the daunting task of successfully aligning workforces with the strategic mission and objectives of their organization. Suffice to say while managing costs. These priorities are often competing, yet they don’t have to be.

Data conveys the interconnected relationship between an internal communication strategy and organizational success. However, it remains a challenge to convince executive teams of the intrinsic value digital workplace tools add to workforce retention and operational efficiency.

At the SHRM18’ conference, the trending topics revolved around how HR departments can continue to enable organizational growth and competition without inducing the perception of HR as a whole merely functioning as a cost-unit.

Digital HR Tools: Here to Stay

To kick off SHRM18, in a Facebook Live video interview, Johnny C. Taylor, CEO of SHRM, highlighted the reality that business leaders are talking about people management as a core priority. He noted that the economy is growing so fast that businesses sometimes can not keep up with talent management and hiring the best candidates – and that this can not be achieved without top flight HR professionals empowered with the right internal communication tools.

Effective employee engagement and team communication are not digital workplace trends, but key indicators of how successful your company culture, internal communication, and business are. Imperative to this success is adopting the right HR tools to cultivate and sustain a thriving, happy, and productive workforce.

Leveraging an Employee App To Drive Employee Engagement

One of the best advantages of implementing an employee app is that digital technology meets the employee where they are. This is one of the most compelling proof points there is to demonstrating the value of HR tech and adopting a digital workplace.

There are many types of HR communication tools, such as an employee app, but in order to best make the case for your organization to adopt them, you need to first identify the direct benefits and explain the impact they will have on your business. Some compelling use cases to consider for your proposal that will resonate with executive leaders are:

  1. Remind your workforce of company messaging. Whether it’s announcing company re-branding or the launch of a new initiative, posting in communication streams on an employee app allow information to be quickly and easily distributed. Tagging relevant team members ensures they are notified of the content, and can respond.
  2. Real-time, mobile communication with every single employee. Across departments and teams, the level of transparent, mobile, and immediate communication made possible via an employee app is an unparalleled step towards building trust, good will, and effective internal communication with your workforce. Ensure your employees receive mission-critical information when they need it, and can respond and engage if necessary without any communication “red-tape” such as not having a colleague’s personal contact information, sending an email, or posting a handwritten note that may otherwise go unread.
  3. Opportunities for employee engagement. Between polls, competitions, employee surveys, and employee recognition initiatives, an employee app is a highly-visible method of actively celebrating workforce contributions and dedication.

A Digital Workplace as an Alternative LMS for Internal Communication

HR is the intermediary between an organization and that company’s biggest asset: their workforce. One of the main components of any HR professionals role is to improve delivery of information.

Equally important as making sure corporate internal communications reach employees is to act as an advocate for those employees and ensure their feedback reaches leadership. This connection is a major value proposition to emphasize.

Happy employees matter: the employee is a direct line to your customer. If an employee is disengaged, and the company product or service is not tended to, this will inevitably affect the customer and therefore the bottom line.

From onboarding materials and continued education to operational trainings and benefits management, Learning Management Systems are often a key component of HR internal communication delivery mechanisms. An employee app is a a viable supplement and in some cases an alternative to a LMS. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Digital internal communications are more accessible.
    Digital communications are superior to traditional classroom learning because employees can reference and access information at their convenience.
  • An employee app is mobile.
    Many LMS platforms are desktop-only and are restricted to employees that are connected to the company server. It is difficult to get 100% participation and in a timely manner because of the desktop restriction.
  • Smart HR tools make HR professionals and employee lives easier.
    Analytics provide actionable data in real-time. Intuitive distribution lists can be created to reach targeted audiences. Responses can be archived for future reference and accountability.

Learn more about why an employee app is an ideal solution for optimizing HR communications today.